I must keep reminding myself, that I cannot get sick and tired of being a ninja. I have not suffered enough to allow myself the luxury of the thought. Bitch, you talk too much.
I got a few ideas I want to execute, but must hold the thought till after the already piling list is reduced.
I need thread~ it's pathetic to run out of thread. And duck tape. Or swan tape. Father seems to be asleep most mornings till afternoon, so I should really make use of that time..... instead of sitting my ass infront of Nao and reading the endless supply of homoerotic e-books that Nick has kindly bestowed upon me. hahahha.
OH. I forgot to mention! We passed the audition \o/ Will be performing with a guest fighter at EOY. I am thrilled 8DD and sort of in a fog. But I can't see the fog because I still have lots of work to do! omgomgomg~ I will finish the knee guards today!!