Friday, April 23, 2010
-out of prince mode-
Some more pics just edited...
Lousy editing lar~~
Lolworthy snapping turtles:
Stole someone's editing style for this.
I need a camera, kora!!
Labels: khr
Time Recorded: 11:57 PM
Battle of Storm Ring
Finally~ my turn arrived, after they lost 2 rings by losing and by further acting like losers. Such things will never happen in Varia. My opponent is a bomb-user. Hide and Seek~ This will be my win~
Labels: khr
Time Recorded: 12:15 AM
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Conflitto dell'anello
So the semi-necrophile lost his fight tonight. Tomorrow Levi A Than is going to fight the kid in the cow costume. Why do people allow him to run around in that ridiculous thing? Our opponents sure are airheads. Although, using salt crystals from sweat as bullets is pretty amazing.
Not. These guys don't stand a chance against the rest of us. I'm just waiting for my turn~
Did some exploring of the school grounds. This place is a perfect battlefield. The toilets are filthy though.
Labels: khr
Time Recorded: 12:09 AM
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Bel revamp, Boots~
Bel revamping in progress. Ditching my berabud white buckle platforms because Bel uses lace-up =w=. So now I'm making boot covers. Got PVC from Chinatown just now. There wasn't much to choose from OTL
It's.... a little after 4am and I'm still on one boot cover. Started around midnight =o= I put the zip at the back at first, then moved it to the front. It still looks like shit.
Looks worst in real life. lol. And I stapled it to the platform for the lack of creativity to have it stay in place. baahahaha. I like staples =3 And I don't mind not ever seeing the boots under that cover ever again. lawl. Shall colour the bottom black. Or put cloth over. hmmm..
I never want to work with vinyl-like pvc anymore (╬≧Д≦)/
Labels: khr
Time Recorded: 4:16 AM
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Saturday, April 17, 2010
Ripper's crown remake~
Made a full crown for Bel~ first attempt was too small =_= the white stuff is flour OAO
By the end of the layers, it turned out to look like icing. orz
It's a very light silver which doesn't show very well in pictures -w-
Wondering if I should paint it a darker silver...
Labels: khr
Time Recorded: 5:52 PM
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Saturday, April 10, 2010
Searching for Rose's wig is giving my head a huge bump of ache.
Why the hell do these sites categorize by series and not style @_@ and they don't come in different colours. Been searching hours nonstop. =_=
I do hope we get Rachel.
Labels: red garden
Time Recorded: 1:27 AM
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I can't think of anything to do for Club Crawl =A=
I thought I'd try a Naruto look, but styling the wig totally fucked up. It looked more like Roxas, but lets not go there. Where the fuck is my Hidden Mist forehead band anyway. It was supposed to be hanging on my Haku poster. waghhh...
~flies mosquitoes and dragonflies are partying in my brain~
ok now seriously...
What was I expecting... I've been wondering what other characters I can do for months and didn't come up with anything else, so I really should stop thinking and just keep to loli and yukata.
gaaaah~ tsuman
Time Recorded: 6:36 PM
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